En Ru Es

Video analytics server

Video analytics server is a server exclusively dedicated to launching video analysis modules that process video data sent from other servers. Having said that, the video analytics server does not perform archiving of the video data being analyzed nor its broadcasting to client workplaces; these actions are performed on the general servers of a video surveillance system. Thus, the Video analytics server allows to remove the load associated with video analysis from the rest of the servers.

How it works

In case one or more video surveillance servers whose data is being processed by a Video analytics server operate under Linux, the Video analytics server must also run under Linux.

The Video analytics server supports all the video analysis modules apart from the following:

  • Loud sound detection
  • Interactive search
  • Fisheye dewarping

Your benefits

The operation of the archive on the main server when recording by the signal of a motion detector running on the video analytics server is described below.

  • When recording to the archive by the signal of a motion detector, the results of data processing on the video analytics server will be used.
  • In case the connection with the video analytics server is lost, the continuous recording to the archive will be enabled. The recording to the archive will stop as soon as the connection with the video analytics server is restored.
  • The continuous recording to the archive will also start if the video analytics server has not sent any events of movement or lack thereof in the course of 30 seconds.

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