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How can video surveillance software lead to higher average cheque, higher profits and retail retention

Eocortex video surveillance software enables business managers to monitor production processes, to control tasks progress and to establish operational management. Eocortex People Counting module will empower you to fine-tune the shop open hours or employees work schedules. Using Shelf Fullness Check module you will be able to top up the shelves once they become scarce. This helps to reduce employee response time during rush hours preventing potential downtime and decline in profits.

Moreover Eocortex allows you to monitor the trading area, warehouses and other facilities minimising the risks of theft and pilferage, unexpected emergency situations like fires or attacks to minimise risks, preventing losses and safeguarding the goods.

Eocortex can be used to monitor staff performance and ensure a high level of Client service. Our software also enables analysis of consumer behavior which helps businesses to understand customer preferences and demands.

Eocortex also provides control and analysis of visitor flows, helps to improve marketing strategies, provides security during promotions and is a flexible tool that can be adapted to specific business needs. Eocortex software is the tool in present day marketing that will help to improve your company's performance.

No matter the structure or complexity of your video surveillance system Eocortex offers you the tools to help you solve your marketing challenges and streamline your work.

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