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Sales of the Eocortex’s main novelty of the fall have started

The autumn of the 2019 will see the release of the Eocortex Version 2.8, one of the main novelty of which will be the brand-new face recognition module. Meanwhile, even today our partners are able to use this tool and influence its further development.

The new face recognition module called Complete is based on the algorithm using the neural networks. It can determine sex and age of a person who entered the frame, create a database of faces and generate automated reports regarding the unique visitors of a facility. The reports can be used for enhancing security in the premises or increasing the profit of an enterprise. Preliminary figures indicate that the use of the module in retail can help increase the sales proceeds by 20% by means of augmenting conversion of visitors to buyers.

These and the other features are already available for the users of the beta version of the Complete face recognition module. It is possible to use the new module right now on a commercial basis, and it is required to contact a personal manager of the partner company to become one of its first users.



It is worth mentioning that the release of the beta version of the Eocortex Complete face recognition module gives the distributors and integrators a chance to influence the development of the Eocortex 2.8 software version. To give recommendations regarding modifying, redesigning or enhancing the Complete face recognition module, a beta version user can send a message to the following email support@eocortex.com.

The release of the Eocortex 2.8 software version is planned for October 2018. The existing users of the software will not bear any additional expenses related to the update.

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