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Eocortex IT company lets its employees work from home as a measure of protection against coronavirus

The Eocortex company sends its staff home to work remotely. This measure is intended to help tackle the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus infection in the city of Perm.

Switching to working from home is a contribution that the company is willing to make to the fight against the spread of coronavirus. This measure is an addition to those implemented in Eocortex earlier: checking all the employees for fever before starting work in the morning, not letting those with any symptoms work in the office, daily sanitization of workplaces and shared articles using the appropriate substances, etc.

Alexander Korobkov, the General Director of Eocortex, points out the following: “We, the inhabitants of the planet Earth, need to make every effort to inhibit the spread of the disease and prevent the uncontrolled growth of the number of the sick. Our company’s workforce consists mostly of young people who, as it is known, may have an illness and be asymptomatic, or present very mild symptoms, at the same time transmitting the disease. This involves a liability towards senior citizens for whom this malady and its aftereffects may be a lot more dangerous. The most efficient way of protection, in addition to the basic sanitary measures, is the minimization of contacts at work and in the public transport. We can substantially mitigate the risks of contagion reducing our presence in the office. To accomplish that, we allow the majority of our employees – the developers, the sales managers, the technical support engineers, the marketing specialists and other professionals – to work from their homes”.

The fact that our office staff will work remotely will not result in any inconvenience for our partners and the users of our products: the modern technologies give us a wide range of options for the remote communication, allowing to ensure the same level of service and the high speed of processing of the incoming requests.

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